/B/ and /V/ are tricky sounds for Spanish speakers because their language doesn't use a different sound for /V/. English words with /V/ need a different lip position to correctly pronounce the word.
Make sure to put your lips in the correct place for each Tongue Twister. Your muscles must be strong to clearly articulate the words to be easily understood when you speak English.
/P/ and /B/ use both lips to create the sound, the only difference is in the air.
/P/ is voiceless - Air only
/B/ is voiced - vibration
/F/ and /V/ use the same lip movement, BUT
F/ is voiceless - Air only
/V/ is voiced - vibration
CAPS are for stressed syllables/words
/P/ & /F/: PEter phoned PHIL to find FOUR fine phoTOgraphers.
/B/ & /V/: There's a BAN on VANS at the CURB by the CURVE.
I'm VEry bad at VOLleyball, but VEry FINE at BASketball.
REPEAT these 3-5 times a day. Speak each sound with the correct tongue, lip and mouth placement. Start slowly, then build speed to improve your fluency of movement between alphabet sounds.
Remember to use the STAIR step intonation.
● Stress content words and correct syllables with a higher pitch & hold a fraction of a second longer ● Quick unstressed function words are linked to the next word
Schedule a Call with me: https://bit.ly/3xq0zI6IntroZoomcall to learn about my pronunciation course, the ABC's of an American Accent.