The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt
Ok, now you’ve discovered some of your bad habits. Start to study the habits of successful people. Read their books, ask questions, study them. Develop the Habit of Changing your Habits. Life is an ongoing learning experience. When you constantly strive to improve, you build character.
The Successful HABITS Formula:
1. Clearly Identify your Bad or Unproductive Habits. Think about the future consequences of your bad habit. Consider the long-term results. Be totally honest.
2. Define your New Successful Habit. Think about the benefits and rewards for this new habit. The more vividly you describe the benefits, the more likely you are to take action.
3. Create a Three-Part Action Plan. You must take action. Make a decision about which specific actions you are going to implement immediately and put them into practice. Remember, nothing will change until you do.
Next time: Action Step Formula
6 Monday Evenings . 6:30-8:00 p.m. April 9-May 14, 2018
Limited to 5 intermediate or Advanced speakers. Advance Registration Required by April 6.
9 Hours total for $600, includes Training Manual