Pronunciation Practice Links
Speaking clearly and fluently takes daily practice. It's like playing sports or the piano.
Here are some helpful exercises to reinforce your new skills.
Contact me for private coaching, enroll in an online course or to join a group in Houston, TX.
Here are some helpful exercises to reinforce your new skills.
Contact me for private coaching, enroll in an online course or to join a group in Houston, TX.
Spend 15 minutes 2 times a day in front of a mirror to retrain your brain and mouth to work together to speak differently.
Mouth & Tongue Exercises are required to strengthen your muscles to coordinate and control them.
It takes 90 days of exercise to change your muscles so you speak differently. It can take 6 months to fix the mistakes you've been making unconsciously and change your speaking habits. |
Additional Exercises are useful to expand your capability. Look on Youtube for more.
Incorrectly pronouncing these 3 vowels make your pronunciation very accented.
Tongue Twisters are the calisthenics of pronunciation practice. REPEAT them 3-5 times a day. Speak each sound with the correct tongue, lip and mouth placement. Start slowly, then build speed.
/Ch/ is voiceless - quick burst of Air only - it can be at the beginning, middle or end of a word /W/ lips are in a pucker with a little “whuh” sound at the beginning /W/ & /Ch/: How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. /Ch/: I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen. |
P_F_B_V Tongue Twisters are great coordination exercises to improve your English pronunciation.
/B/ and /V/ are tricky for Spanish speakers because their language doesn't use a different sound for /V/. English does. Make sure to put your lips in the correct place for each Tongue Twister. Your muscles must be strong to clearly articulate the words to be easily understood when you speak English. P/ & /F/: Peter phoned Phil to find four fine photographers. /B/ & /V/: There's a ban on vans at the curb by the curve. I'm very bad at volleyball, but very fine at basketball. |
Relaxed and Tense Double /OO/ vowel sounds
English pronunciation can be confusing, especially when words are spelled alike, yet pronounced differently. The double /OO/ vowels give lots of people trouble. Here's an easy way to identify the difference. TENSE /OO/ uses more facial movement to pronounce the sound in words like boot, food, too. It's close to the Long /U/ sound. Relaxed /oo/ is more neutral, not moving the muscles around the face. Pretend someone hit you in the stomach and air came out. For example in words like book, foot, could, wood. |
Clear English Coach Training Manual - Audio Practice Links
Donna is now my English Pronunciation Coach. Her one-on-one, dedicated care, has helped me identify my phonetics errors, and taught me ways to improve my pronunciation, correcting my rhythm and intonation – something I had never learned from anywhere else. Do you realize how important it is to communicate precisely, concisely and clearly with your co-workers, your bosses or your clients? |